VIRTUAL consultations/online consulting
A value added offering from RiverLog’s Software & Hardware Engineering consulting division. This services has two separate operational heads
Software Modernization Consultation
A value added offering from RiverLog’s Software & Hardware Engineering consulting division. This services has two separate operational heads. West And The East. We serve south asia for the eastern region and this description below is ONLY FOR INDIA.
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The Global Virtual Connection – What is it?
RiverLog’s high bandwidth, content repositories, plethora of content in the form of audio, video and graphics and its ability to publish content to specific requirement has given rise to a modernized content delivery to targeted clients. Its virtual consultation outlet provides small, mid-range and large enterprises get consultation services from its Sr. architects, business analysts and technical people at very low price.
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RiverLog Software & Consulting
is a software company based out of San Francisco, USA. RiverLog has various products and services. In India, it has branches in Chennai & Mumbai and now RiverLogs’ Global Connection is being provided to the Kerala province. A unique service at very low price. Companies can now ask for a short term engagement, which can be delivered over the net in the form of audio, video, graphics & texts.
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RiverLog recruited key industry people for this task, ranging from the following business domains:
Supply Chain
Retail Business (Oil, consumer and garments)
Financial Services
Data warehouse and anlytics
Data Scientists
Recruitment Companies
Tours & Travel
Software Development
The Problem
Most frequent questions and answers
Case I
A telecommunication company had purchased several software components from a software company. Their staff visits the premises on a day to day bases. Monthly there is a charge that they claim for their services. Truly what they are doing is updating their software and correcting their bugs for which YOU pay.
RiverLog intervened and resolved this issue. RiverLog presented a 15 minutes video on 5 different slots of 5 minutes each. The IT staff of telecommunication company called upon RiverLog in all of their meetings and thereby reducing price charged on the company by the third party. The software vendor also got benefited by RiverLog’s high value technical services, that they signed up RiverLog for performance tuning and optimization of their application code.
Case II
A financial institution has installed a software designed and developed by a local software company. But, every day, the software individual who is doing the computer work was calling the software company to demonstrate a feature how it works. Because, whenever the individual tried to execute that function, it simply does nothing. Management got involved and inquired about delays in getting reports and finally figured that the vendor from whom the company has purchased the software has filed to come up with the right software. Analysis and later development was done in-appropriately.
Case III
An IATA certified huge company had asked a software company to automate with systems. But all of sudden, there were lots of printers, terminals and other accessories which were installed for which there were no use or nobody seemed to use it. Printer papers and inks became a real overhead. Reports are being done by copying it into CD’s and later being taken to another system and taking a report again there by causing heavy delays. RiverLog resolved it by its integration frameworks. By involving people who are Sr. Systems analysts/Business Analysts and architects, RiverLog go to the bottom of the problem and resolved it at absolutely very low cost.